Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Alternative Cancer Treatment Guide $19.75 By Arthur Brown

Alternative Cancer Treatment Guide is a 45 page guide that is a wonderful reference. You will be introduced to 76 different alternative cancer fighting strategies and therapies that are used to treat cancer. You will learn why today’s MDs are not using the proven alternative methods to treat their patients. Arthur Brown discusses the six ways that alternative cancer fighting strategies attack cancer. He provides contact information for consulting services to help you through the alternative treatments. He provides references to a wide variety of alternative care websites, information, services, alternative practitioners, and the treatments that he is personally dedicated to while providing the necessary information for those that desire to utilize alternative methods either in conjunction with conventional methods or on their own.

While Alternative Cancer Treatment Guide may seem short, Brown went to great lengths to provide the necessary tools to those that wish to pursue alternative cancer fighting strategies.

Ratings: 1 being the worst; 5 being the best
Information: 5
Ease of implementation: 4
Reference to necessary tools: 5
Simplicity: 4
Encouraging: 5